2010 is The Year of the Rhinestone Mustache!
First, I should tell you: I am not a good correspondent. Sure I can string letters together to form pleasing sentences (we'll call this one, Exhibit A) but I run hot and cold, on again, off again with the frequency of my writing (we'll call my blogging history, Exhibit B.) I do read everything that people write to me, but I don't necessarily respond, even if I really like the letter, and the person.
I only explain this because I am about to divulge the contents of a message I wrote today in response to someone, and I don't want you think I don't love you just because I haven't responded to your letter(s).....It's not you, it's me.
In regards to last night's blog I got several responses about how I have inspired people to be more creative, or rather to allow their creativity to take a more central position in their lives. One man wrote to say that he had just decided to radically change his life and attempt to make a living from his writing. He explained that his friends have not been supportive.
Here is my response:
Thank you for writing, I'm happy for you and your decision.
Friends are good to have, but not always supportive when you need it most - or in the ways you need it. All you can do is learn from that experience to be a better friend yourself when the time arises.
Our history books are filled with stories of revolution and persecution. Even the "successful" revolutionaries were punished: Jesus, Joan of Arc, Martin Luther King.
We learn from a young age to follow the line, keep our heads down. Even if we aren't changing the world, even if all we want is to live a fulfilled life - a quiet revolution is the most powerful, and the most terrifying to people around us.
Your friends think they are being good friends. And they are, in their way. They are protecting you from your own decision to revolutionize your life. They have learned that retribution must be the next step, and as friends they do not want to see you hurt.
Luckily for us the quiet revolution has already begun, there are resources and communities in existence of people letting go of the the status quo to create a life of deeper meaning and creative fulfillment.
So you probably will not be burned at the stake.
Go team!
So as much as I like that people have jobs because it is convenient for me to be able to go to the grocery store, have my garbage picked up, and have things to wear, I also know that as humans we will adapt to every situation. Make less money, be an artist, use less stuff. Yeah, I want your money for my album, but I'd rather that you be happy. Seriously. So if your job sucks, quit it. If your job doesn't suck, keep it if you want, but make time for your art. Do it now.
Oh fuck it! Just quit your job! You probably will not be burned at the stake.
p.s. This daily blog is quite entertaining: www.csdaley.com
p.p.s. If you decide not to follow my advice and actually want to keep your job, might I suggest a small(or large) contribution to my album fundraiser? You get stuff for your dollars! www.theimpossiblegirl.com
I promise you won't be burned at the stake either. I joke all the time about quitting the day job and pursuing writing full time but I don't.
ReplyDeleteThe reason is simple. I have a day job that allows me to help children and I truly love it (the politics tick me off but not the children). If I didn't have a job that allowed me to help young lives, I would quit in a heartbeat.
What Kim says is true though. Do not let your day job interfere with your need to create your art (whatever your art is).
I did let this happen to me and there was always a cloud of unhappiness hanging over a life that seemed complete. Now I write everyday, create everyday, and the cloud has lifted.
Do what is right for your life but never lose sight of what is important to you. Good luck to all of the artist out there.
Thanks Kim!
I've been tempted to quit my job, but at the moment I can't afford to. If I can start making a decent amount of money with my art, then I'll consider it. Until then, art gets stuck on weekends and holiday breaks.
ReplyDeleteGreat advice! I do love my job, but there is a rove in me, and after doing the same thing for two years it's getting restless. I have a beautiful home, but more and more I find myself spending less and less time in it. It's scary, but also kind of exciting to think of giving it all up and doing something incredible. I know I'd adapt to any situation I placed myself in, and feel very blessed to be capable of doing so.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny that often times it's the people who care about us the most who hold us back sometimes. I guess they feel they have something in stake in our lives.
More than anything this year I want to make more space for art in my life. It will be interesting to see how much space that art will fill :)
And what's more, if you're birnt at stake and than able to come back you'll than have the great chance of feeding on brains of those who put you at stake.
ReplyDeleteApart from the zombie joke (zombies are always a great metaphore), you're right Kim. One should do what makes you happy, what doesn't give you stomach ache every day.. it is sometimes hard. I'm one of those people always compromising, and when I don't I often have difficult times.. but I've learned a big thing this year, to be myself, no matter what other people say.
I've learned it through a lot of different siuations and I'm sure there will be a time for us somewhere, somehow, sometime.